Published on 12 August 2024 at 14:48

Sunday 11th August - A sunny and warm day in the local village of Lyng was the setting for a fantastic event put together by the hosts at Lyng. 


This was the first time Gressenhall had entered a team into this trophy. The format was a team of 6 (2 blocks) with 8 teams competing. 4 ends per match, 7 matches and the winners with the most points scored wins! A new format for the Gressenhall team, but won we all enjoyed. 


With and nice mix of ages in the team, we had Tom, Dan and Liam flying the flag for the younger generation and Steve, Tony and Darren levelling out the average age for the team of 6. The younger block got off to a flying start we some great points early on,. with the block getting off to a slow, but then steady start. 


Three games played, a break for lunch and a bit of shade, then onto 4 games in the afternoon. Many lovely people, great chats and some very good bowls. The afternoon saw the "oldies" have a good finish with the a bit of luck along the way and the "youngsters" staying steady...


The day finished with a raffle and the presentations. The teams were announced in reverse order, with 6 names called out, Gressenhall was still in the mix... then we get called on 59 points and a strong second place. Congratulations to the winners Angel. 


A great event that we will look to attend again next year. Thank you to Mark for keeping score and for our afternoon cheerleaders.. you know who you are. Oh and Tom, enjoy the crisps 

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