Club Constitution and Rules



The Club shall be called 'Gressenhall Bowls Club' hereafter called 'The Club'.


a. To promote the level green game of Bowls in accordance with the rules laid down by the English Bowling Association, the English Women's Bowling Association and the Bowls England Federation.

b.To organise and take part in such National, County,Club Matches and Club Competitions as the committee may approve.


a. Membership to the Club shall be open to all.

b. Nomination forms for new members to be completed and forwarded to the Secretary for consideration by the committee.

c. The Club may confer 'Honorary Life Membership' on a member providing that the Annual General Meeting approves.


a. The amount of the annual subscriptions, Club Competitions, Entry and Rink Fees shall be published and available at the pre-season meeting to be held two weeks before the season 'Opening Day'

b. Subscriptions should be paid within two weeks of 'Opening Day' and only paid up members will be entitled to the facilities of the Club.


a. The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by the Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting.

b. The committee shall be comprised of: President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Captains, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Competition Secretary, plus up to six members and the Green Keeper. A delegate will be appointed to serve on the NBA Norfolk Council.

c. Five members shall form a quorum and the Chairman shall have the casting vote as well as a deliberate vote.

d. Ladies may be elected to any position on the general committee except delegate.

e. No person shall be elected to more than two positions.

f. The general committee will meet at least quarterly.

g. All full members have equal voting rights.


a. The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting each year for the purpose of electing officers and committee members and to receive reports and agree such other matters and may be required and as listed on the agenda.

b. A minimum of 14 days notice of the Annual General Meeting must be given and 15 members shall form a quorum.


The Hon. Secretary shall convene and extraordinary meeting at any time on request of six members or be decision of the general committee. Only the item for which the meeting was called will be discussed at the meeting.


a. The Green shall be opened as near as possible to 1st. May and close at the beginning of September. At least14 days prior notice to be given.

b. No person shall be allowed on the green unless approve footwear is being worn.

c. The Green Keeper has the sole right to decide the suitability of any rink or the whole green for play as a result of wear and tear and weather conditions.

9. THE HON. SECRETARY shall keep a record of business transacted and shall submit a report to the Annual General Meeting

    THE HON. TREASURER shall keep record of all financial transactions and make a report to the Annual General Meeting and make available     audited accounts at the meeting.


    Dress for all fixtures shown on the fixture list shall be as follows unless otherwise stated:

    MEN - Club shirt, grey trousers, and approved bowling shoes

    WOMEN - Club shirt, grey skirt or tailored bowling slacks and approved bowling shoes

11. CLUB COMPETITION RULES will be published at the commencement of each season.

12. ALTERATIONS TO CONSTITUTION AND RULES shall only be made at the Annual General Meeting or and Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose. Two thirds of the votes cast will carry the motion, which will then rescind any previous rule.